Tagged as: NOSSEF Secondary School

2023 Report from Railaco

For 20 years, the donations from St Canice’s Parish have been helping to improve the health, nutrition, and access to education of Railaco communities nearby with a focus on the most disadvantaged families, children, and youth. 

The support of St Canice’s is ensuring a strong education for senior school students at NOSSEF that leads into improved employment opportunities and income support for their families and communities.

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Planting seeds of hope for the future of East Timor

. . . Education is one of the most important things for the present and the future of the Timorese people. 

By donating money, you are planting seeds of hope for the future of this country. Don’t forget that. You are proclaiming the gospel of solidarity and generosity for the faith of our young Catholic generations.

Thank you for your prayerful support and concrete financial help. The people of Railaco need not only money, but also love and attention from people from far away.

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